How to work effectively from home

These are stressful times for everyone, most of the days we read negative headlines, we ran into the stores to do groceries, we worry about who is sick or how elderly loved ones are doing. But we can’t forget that the lives we choose to live will be determined by how we spend each day and – coronavirus or not – communication is vital when working from home. The more effort we put into communicating with family, friends and colleagues, the better chance we have to avoid feelings of isolation and depression.

A LinkedIn study from October 2019, found that 82% of workers wished they could work from home at least part of the time. In the last month, due to the actual worldwide situation, most companies decided to migrate to home office. For some workers it could be quite challenging to start working in a place that makes them feel so comfortable and free from office responsibilities. Therefore, set yourself up for success when working remotely.

Check our tips here:

1.    Sleep well and eat well, this two combined are the fuel to start a good morning. You could also have a fresh shower and change clothes. This will set up your mind to start a day with the right foot.

2.    It is helpful to have a schedule; it will benefit you to manage your time.

3.    Define your tasks day by day. Prepare a to-do list. Realize you will feel better if you get more done.

4.    Try to stablish an active pause every couple of hours. For example, 5 or 10 minutes of exercise in every break reports that a person is happier, calmer and better equipped to handle whatever the day decides to throw.

5.    Try to keep a routine as you do when you go into the office. One of the major benefits will be productivity.

6.    Master your environment. Some people report working from their couch or bed and sometimes this leads to loss of focus. Having a dedicated workspace can help improve productivity and avoid distractions.

7. Related to the last tip, would you like to have a portrait of your family or a calendar or a plant or a lamp or any other element in your desk? Think about your space and go for it. It may motivate you even more.

8.    Take a lunch break. Perhaps once a week, have an online lunch with colleagues, talk about different subjects and not work. After it, you may feel more refreshed and ready to dive back in when you return to your desk. 

9.    Scheduling time for regular check-ins with your superiors and colleagues can help overcome that feeling of disconnection. 

“Out of sight, out of mind can be a real problem for remote workers. The very best remote workers will reach out to coworkers and managers regularly through a variety of tools” says Sara Sutton, CEO and founder of FlexJobs, a remote job listing site.

Do you have more tips or recommendations to work from home? Let us know. Are you an entrepreneur and need advice on how to get through this times? 

Written by Claudia Flores Jiménez

Comments, questions, suggestions to:

Present Your Startup Alkmaar op minimaal 1,5 meter

ALKMAAR “De realiteit rondom het coronavirus dwingt ons om het programma aan te passen, maar we blijven innovatie en ondernemerschap ondersteunen, zeker nu”, zegt Mike Rijkers, projectleider van Present Your Startup Alkmaar. De startup academy en pitchcompetitie was na edities in Haarlem, New York en de Caraïben net begonnen aan de eerste editie in Alkmaar. Mike Rijkers: “Het programma gaat in een andere vorm verder, maar het doel blijft innovatiekracht en ondernemerschap in Alkmaar een podium geven.”

Op 13 februari was de aftrap van het programma met een introductiedag over financiering voor startups met ruim 30 ondernemers in Het Nieuwe Warenhuis. Van die 30 startups selecteerde de organisatie er 10 voor de academyweek. De ondernemers verbleven van maandag 2 maart t/m vrijdag 6 maart in een hotel in Alkmaar waarin ze in snelkookpansessies werkten aan hun ondernemersplan, financiële onderbouwing en natuurlijk hun pitch. Tijdens de demo day op vrijdag 6 maart, waarin alle deelnemers pitchten voor een ervaren jury, was de stemming nog hoopvol. Alle startups waren toegelaten tot de halve finale om te pitchen voor rond de vijftig investeerders en experts.



De halve finale op 20 maart in De Drukkerij was gepland na de eerste persconferentie van minister-president Rutte waarin hij de coronamaatregelen aankondigden. Niet alleen de halve finale, maar ook het investeerdersdiner met de vijf finalisten en de finale-avond op 14 april met Jort Kelder in theater De Vest heeft de organisatie afgelast. “Het is echt enorm jammer dat we een streep moeten zetten door dit programma. Vooral voor de startupondernemers die ontzettend hard gewerkt hebben om via deze manier de financiering op te halen om hun droom te verwezenlijken, maar wat er momenteel in de wereld gebeurt gaat ons voorstellingsvermogen echter te boven”, aldus Mike Rijkers.


Kansen voor startups

Ondanks de ontwikkelingen stopt Present Your Startup Alkmaar niet. Op het moment van de halve finale hebben we als alternatief videopitches en meer achtergrondinformatie van elke startup gepubliceerd op ons online platform. De landelijke media-aandacht die dit creëerde – zoals op Emerce, DeZaak en De Ondernemer – toonde hoe creatief en ondernemend Alkmaar is. Voor twee deelnemers leverde dit zelfs vervolgafspraken met potentiële investeerders op.


Present Your Startup houdt nog veel contact met de deelnemers over financieringsopties. “Het probleem is dat dit soort innovatieve en snelgroeiende bedrijven vaak buiten de huidige overheidsregelingen vallen. Een aangekondigde overbruggingslening komt daardoor als geroepen,” vertelt Mike Rijkers. Bovendien krijgt het programma een vervolg en wil de organisatie de startups het podium geven dat ze verdienen. “Nu zeker is dat grote evenementen voorlopig niet zullen plaatsvinden, zijn we de opties aan het uitwerken die passen bij de nieuwe werkelijkheid. Online events of zelfs een tv-show? De komende weken bepalen we hoe we startups in staat stellen om ook op 1,5 meter financiering op te halen en laten zien wat Alkmaar te bieden heeft op het gebied van innovatief ondernemerschap."

Veerkracht bij ondernemers

Deelnemer Airchip ontwikkelt een fintech oplossing voor mobiele bestellingen en betalingen bij drukke evenementen, zoals festivals of grote concertpodia. Zij zien, met het afgelasten van alle grote evenementen, dat festivalorganisaties de geplande pilotprojecten annuleren. Die klantgroep heeft het zwaar, maar de slogan van Airchip - “Creating Comfort in the Crowd” – is ineens extra relevant. De ondernemers bedachten daardoor andere toepassingen voor de techniek die ze ontwikkeld hebben. Hiermee hebben ze zich o.a. ingeschreven voor de aanbesteding voor de veelbesproken COVID-19 app. Nieuwsuur maakte recent zelfs een item over deze deelnemer van Present Your Startup.

DeMonth is the winner of the poll

Alkmaar, 31th March 2020- Present Your Startup has the people’s favorite startup: DeMonth. The accelerator program had a successful introduction day with 35 innovative startups. Only 10 startups made it to the Academy and from this semi-finalists, people could vote for their favorite.


PYS is pleased to announce the winner of the poll is DeMonth, online platform where women can get their menstrual and sustainable femcare products delivered to their doorstep or in their mailbox.

DeMonth has a team of four IT specialists, who happen to be men. They affirm: “Your Period is Our Problem!” This company secured a spot in the finals with more than 300 votes.

Announcement of the winner of the online poll - The winner earns a spot in the finals of Present Your Startup Alkmaar. More info about all the semi finalists...

Do you want to know more about this company?

How can we defeat the coronavirus?

In this article, there are recommendations from the Rijksoverheid, RIVM and WHO. We have also added successful recommendations from abroad based on medical staff.

As the World Health Organization says, “Let’s be kind to address fear during coronavirus”. How can we do this? Showing empathy with those affected, learning about the disease to assess the risks and adopting practical measures to stay safe. 

Our government is trying to combat the corona virus; however, it is not only their task, it is also a task of all citizens.

General recommendations: Stay home

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

  • Keep distance with everyone, even with your family. Avoid physical contact.

  • Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.

  • Work from home or spread their working hours if possible.

  • Avoid every public event. Don’t assist to meetings, avoid concerts, museums, theatres, sports clubs and sports matches. Don’t make parties.

  • Don’t accept visits of any kind. Some people don’t show symptoms at the beginning.

  • Don’t visit people with vulnerable health and elderly people.

  • Use paper tissues and discard them after use.

  • Disinfect several times a day the surfaces of tables, cell phones, knobs and any object of frequent contact.

  • If you need to walk your dog, do it nearby and for maximum 5 minutes. It is confirmed by vets, dogs can handle it.

  • You only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with corona or if you are sick (coughing or sneezing). Be sure that after using it, you dispose it.


  • Keep 1,5 meter distance from each other.

  • Choose one family member who goes out to buy food and other necessary items, this person should already have a list of things, so that’s done quickly and at times of least congestion.

  • Pick a market/supermarket nearby home. Avoid taking public transport.

  • Buy only what is necessary. Food, cleaning products and toilet paper will not end soon.

  • You can take with you the alcohol gel; it can help your hands be clean all the time.

  • If you used your bike, you can also disinfected the handles after using it.

  • Avoid spitting in public. When you are back home, leave the shoes you wore outside, wash your hands immediately with water and soap.

  • Afterwards, clean the shoe sole with alcohol or mix of bleach and water. Get rid of the tissue immediately.

  • Leave the clothes you wore in a bag, try to disinfect yourself. Take a shower and wash the clothes.


  • Do not spread rumors. Ignore and do not forward messages via WhatsApp and social media that offer miraculous treatments or methods to become immune to the coronavirus. There is still no vaccine and there is no special food or medicine to prevent COVID-19 infection.

  • You do not need to watch the news all day. You can inform yourself the necessary and then continue with your life. Avoid anxiety and panic.

  • Always check the source you are getting information from.

  • Follow accurate public health advice from Rijksoverheid, RIVM, WHO and medical staff.

Take advantage of the time at home by spending time with your loved ones. Now, we have a chance to do things we cannot regularly do. And remember, we are all responsible to take care of our families and ourselves.

Written by Claudia Flores Jiménez

Comments, questions, suggestions to:

Halve finale Present Your Startup Alkmaar gaat door online!

Halve finale Present Your Startup Alkmaar gaat door online!

Het zal je niet zijn ontgaan dat er in het land vergaande maatregelen zijn genomen om de uitbraak van het nieuwe coronavirus (COVID-19) in te dammen. Ook voor het verloop van Present Your Startup Alkmaar heeft dit gevolgen. In overleg hebben wij besloten dat de oorspronkelijke opzet van de halve finale op 20 maart voor live publiek onverantwoord is in het licht van de huidige ontwikkelingen. Daarom zal de Halve Finale worden online worden gehost via een livestream.